Limited Edition Prints

Our curated collection of limited editions are created using techniques such as printmaking, photography or casting which allows an artist to create multiple versions of the same work, and may be taken from an original, or created as a limited edition in their own right. In some cases, particularly in the world of Pop art, they are as important to an artist as their one-of-a-kind pieces, and because the number of artworks produced in the edition is restricted, each individual work retains its status and value over time.

These faithful representations recreate the texture, colour and detail of the original with stunning accuracy; they combine the skills of Britain’s finest printmakers and most consummate embellishers to capture the essence of the artist’s original work, adding a whole new layer of possibility to the concept of art collecting. In many cases, various elements of the image are highlighted with hand-embellishment, or the hand application of paint, gloss or a particular finish by a highly skilled artisan or in many cases, by the artist themselves.

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