Hamish Mackie - Reconnecting with Nature

16th September, 2023, 3 Minutes watch

Hamish Mackie’s breath-taking bronze sculptures capture and interpret instinctive moments of animal behaviour viewed at first hand in locations ranging from Africa to Antarctica. With his assertive approach to materials and a profound grasp of anatomy, Mackie creates dynamic sculptures that exude a sense of vitality.

Selection of Artwork

A selection of artworks from Hamish Mackie, available online or in gallery.

Turtles - 2020
Turtles - 2020
Hamish Mackie
Artwork Size: 67" x 69"
Cheetah Life Size - Foot Down - 2012
Hamish Mackie
Artwork Size: 73" x 69"
Dik Dik - 2018
Dik Dik - 2018
Hamish Mackie
Artwork Size: 10" x 18"

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